Tips for Technology and Your Case

Protecting Yourself

These are many instances where clients would be better advised to limit their presence on social media during their proceedings.

However, there are some instances where social media sites provide valuable information about your former spouse.

Emails, text messages, Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools can all be subpoenaed and submitted as evidence in family courts.

At our firm, we urge all clients to put a moratorium on the posting of pictures on social media sites, including pictures that involve:

  • Partying
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Romantic relationships

Social media is what you make of it, and we urge clients to increase their privacy settings; omit discussion about their spouse, the divorce and their children; and conduct research if they feel their spouse is not entirely forthcoming with the family law courts.

Text messaging

Text messaging is the most common form of divorce evidence. More than 90 percent of America’s top divorce attorneys said they have seen a spike in the number of cases using evidence from text communications in the past three years, according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML).

Texts are the source of great embarrassment if one spouse keeps texts sent during times of anger or frustration, or when socially involved and not being mindful of their words.

Likewise, texts sent to children or to friends and family members can show a mental state or disposition that contradicts the carefully constructed disposition that has been crafted to appear calm and neutral.

Texts tend to be reflexive, people do not think about them, they exist in a context of immediacy and spontaneity.  


Every voicemail left by you or your ex, may be saved. Remember to keep all discussions civil and never threaten or intimidate your ex over voicemail.

Computers and Email

Email is another minefield or goldmine, depending on whose emails are being used in the case. If one party has legal access to the other party’s email account, the transmissions sent by the address owner will be evidence admissible in Court.

There are objections to emails received by the owner (hearsay and authentication), however they can be managed by subpoenas to the internet service providers for their records to demonstrate who owns the accounts from which the emails were sent. The information contained in the email is a constant source of information in a case: helpful or harmful to your case. You can best protect yourself by not using a home computer for any confidential transmissions, or which may be vulnerable.

Likewise, work computer records are susceptible to subpoena for those transmissions that are sent /received that are not work related.

Remember to change all of your passwords on your private accounts.







Social Media And Evidence

1. Don’t share anything you wouldn’t want a judge to see. If it’s out there, opposing counsel will usually find it. Just don’t say, share, or do anything your grandmother wouldn’t be exceedingly proud of.

2. Live your life as if cameras are constantly following you around and taping what you’re doing at all times. Social media provides a direct window into your private world. Only post positive, truthful thoughts and photos, or unplug completely (highly recommended).

3. Assume everything you do online will be found. It can be found by opposing counsel, your soon-to-be-ex or their friends and family and will be used against you. This also applies to phone and text records, emails, dating sites and more.

4. If you’re debating whether or not it’s a good idea to share, comment or like something on social media, just don’t do it. Really, just don’t.

5. Don’t ever lie to a judge. If opposing counsel can prove you lied once (whether it’s pertaining to social media or not), the judge will likely assume everything you say is a lie. He or she can also hold you in contempt or have you prosecuted for perjury.

6. Don’t lie or misrepresent yourself to your lawyer, either. It will be much more difficult to help you win your divorce and/or child custody case if you do.

7. If you’ve filed for divorce or your spouse has filed, don’t assume you can remove any of your social media history without potential legal consequences. Again, ask your attorney what you can and cannot do.

8. Don’t think you can fake “nice.” If you stage a photo of you at your kid’s soccer game and a witness testifies that you snapped the photo and left 30 seconds later, your credibility as an involved, attentive parent in a custody or divorce case is sunk (see Nos. 5 and 6) 

“At the end of the day, litigation is about the credibility of people who testify.” 

9. Don’t underestimate the power of social media evidence in the courtroom. Judges and juries are intrigued by social media evidence and they consider it just as persuasive as other evidence – sometimes more so. A post may be worth a thousand words.

10. Don’t assume you know what you can and cannot do on social media. Speak with an experienced family law firm or divorce attorney in Montana or the state where you reside. He or she can counsel you on social media and divorce as it pertains to your specific case.

DO’S and DON'TS of Family Law

DO take threats and acts of domestic violence seriously. Call 911 and consult with a domestic violence agency or an attorney if you feel threatened, or if you believe you or your children are in danger.

DO create an inventory of your assets. Video or photograph your property—even the things you are planning on taking with you—and keep that record somewhere safe.

DO get your debts paid down as much as possible. Regardless of how good your attorney is, or how guilty or generous your ex feels, it’s more expensive for two people to live in two houses than for two people to live in one house. Your financial lifestyle is likely to suffer, and the less debt you have, the better.

DO try to save or borrow money for an attorney ahead of time. A lot of factors go into how expensive a break up may be, but you are probably going to need at least $2,500 to get started. It could cost more if your case has complicated legal issues, or if you or your ex cares more about the fight than the outcome.

DO be prepared for the fact that this process is going to take longer than you want it to take. Arbitrary deadlines, such as “I want to be done by Christmas” are a recipe for disappointment. You can’t control the court schedule, your attorney’s schedule and workload, or the schedule or workload of your ex’s attorney. Judges, attorneys, witnesses, and parties are all subject to illness, family emergencies, work emergencies, and other interruptions that cause delays and continuances. The more patient you are, the less frustrating the process will be. Remember that the one factor you have complete control over is how fast you respond to your attorney.

DO get a P.O. Box or complete a change of address form. If your mail is being delivered to your ex’s house, you may not receive important information. And even though mail may be addressed to you, your ex would have complete access to mail you might not want them to see—especially correspondence with your attorney.

DO change your passwords on all of your accounts. This is especially true of financial, email, and social media accounts.

DO turn off the GPS tracking feature on your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop. Most mobile phones can be tracked remotely by anyone with access to the account. It can be difficult to disable this feature without help, so don’t be afraid to call your phone service provider for help. Consider getting a separate telephone account if you and your ex are on the same one. If you can afford it, it’s often best to purchase new devices entirely.

DO unfriend your ex on Facebook or other social media sites. Even the best privacy filters can malfunction, or be changed without warning.

DO assume that everything you write or say to your ex or in public will end up in front of a judge or jury. You should assume that all conversations with your ex, their family, or friends is being recorded, and that all emails, text messages, and written notes are being saved. And yes, the internet counts as “in public”.

DO consult with an attorney before dating or cohabitating with any new paramour. There are sometimes important consequences to these types of actions, and attorneys are trained to spot them.

DO consult a therapist or your attorney regarding your children’s well-being throughout the process. Children grieve in different ways and at different times with each parent.

DO trust the legal advice of your attorney over that of your friends or family members. Every case is different, and just because your sister’s friend’s neighbor got sole custody of the children and $10,000 a month in alimony after having an affair and doing drugs, does not mean that your case will turn out the same way.

DO educate yourself. You should familiarize yourself with the Montana laws relevant to your situation, and read the websites of other family law attorneys.

DO seek the advice of financial planners, tax professionals and therapists, in consultation with your attorney.

DO realize that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even if your case seems like a nightmare, it will eventually be resolved. Keeping a sense of humor is as important during a court case as it is in the rest of your life—if not more so.

DON’T tell your children how you really feel about your ex. Just don’t.

DON’T check in everywhere you go on social media. In cases where you’re trying to avoid contact with your ex, advertising your location in real-time can lead to trouble.

DON’T completely empty your joint financial accounts or cause checks to bounce. This can cause damage to your marital property, and it can seriously hurt your credibility with a judge. When in doubt, consult with your attorney.

DON’T cancel life insurance, car insurance, homeowner’s or health insurance policies without first consulting with an attorney.

DON’T take the light bulbs, household fixtures, or your ex’s favorite movies or separate property. Petty is not pretty, no matter how angry you are or deserve to be.

DON’T play detective or conduct surveillance on your ex. Unless specifically advised to do so by your attorney, avoid following, photographing, audio recording, or videoing your ex.

DON’T question your children, mutual friends, neighbors, or family members about your ex’s activities. There are legal ways to get the information you think you may need, and you should consult with your attorney.

DON’T relay messages to your ex through the children. It’s not healthy for your children, the messages are often garbled, and it makes judges angry.

DON’T do or say things that will make your children feel they have to choose between you and your ex. It will make your child feel as if they have to decide which parent gets to come to their graduation, attend their wedding, or play with their children. Remember, when that happens, the parent they pick is likely to be the one who didn’t make them choose.

DON’T disappear after you hire your attorney. If you drop out of contact with your attorney, your case will stagnate, and you could lose important rights with regard to your children and property.

DON’T lie to your attorney. Remember that your private conversations with your attorney are protected by attorney/client privilege, and with very few exceptions, your lawyer cannot reveal what you’ve told them without your permission. Your attorney’s job is to advocate for you, not judge you, so there’s nothing to be gained from lying—and a lot to lose if your attorney is blindsided in trial because you told a little white lie at their office, this includes lying by omission.